Food storage and food automated production room (100 food resource).Īll the base is heavy furnished adequately to it´s function so you dont need to built anything. Drugs and medicines production under the pharmacy. Seven bathrooms distributed throughout the base. Three secondary reactors and three main/super reactors. Eight security checkpoints distributed throughout the base. Big armory, training room and shooting range. Three floors barracks, with several personel rooms, break room and cinema. Commander Officer ofice, bedroom, livingroom, kitchen and personal bathroom (player/overseer rooms).
Vanilla Main entrance with two security checkpoints and sentry defences.
In detail, the HellStorm Base consist in: The Base is, also, heavy furnished, without empty spaces, so you wont have to build anything. It has two entrances, the main one, and the decoy pharmacy. The NPCS should be able to navigate all the vault without problem, although sometimes they get stuck in corners and some rooms ( shitty pathfinding XD). It has been built to be capable of shelter 108 NPCS. Everything is snapped and correctly build, without obscures and confusing structures. The only area unused is the subway tunnel. The vault is absolutely huge, using all the possible buildable space in all sectors of the cave.